Tuesday, February 15, 2011

When Did This Happen???

It's 5 A.M. A time of day when all good folks should be asleep...not working on their 11 year-old daughter's science experiment that she had all weekend to do but chose to wait until 5 P.M. yesterday to start, do and complete. No, she didn't even plan the layout of the three sided foam board on which she presents her experiment.

When did my A/B honor roll student morph into an academically lazy, hormone laden, I have to fight her to get anything school related or chore related done, pre-teen? I didn't see it coming!!! It's as if aliens have kidnapped the pleasant, well mannered child I've raised and substituted her with a whinny android twin...the anthesis of the child that lived in my house for the last 10 years.

All of a sudden she is obsessed with Pokemon and a boy named Javier, who is a nice boy, but she is 11 and so is he, and didn't I hate boys at 11? All of a sudden, she does her chores in a half-assed manner, whines over everything and fights with her oldest sister. Then sometimes, she is the same cuddly, well tempered child I've known since before she was born. Am I living with Sybil?

The thing that really kills me is this; She is so frighteningly intelligent. This girl, who at the age of 9, unwittingly explained Einstein's Theory of Relativity to me from the back seat of the car one day, out of the clear blue, is scary smart. She is capable of so much more than she is giving right now, and it's frustrating. Especially at 5 A.M. whilst gulping coffee and inhailing Sharpie fumes. Sharpie fumes make me sneeze and I am not civil until I've had at least 2 cups of Community New Orleans Blend.

Currently, she is at the dining room table, coloring in the lettering that I've worked so hard to make look like her penmanship. Penmanship that has gone from the neat Catholic school printing, to that of resembling a doctor's illegable scrawl. She is also crying in frustration and I'm still working on cup one of the aforementioned Community coffee, and trying to keep my cool. I love my life,I love my life, I love my life....

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