Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas and Football Widowhood

Well the tree is up,and I mamaged to tear Mike away from football long enough to watch A Christmas Story while I, and I alone decorated the tree. The last few years it's been me and the kids decorating, but I guess for my 11 year old, Pokemon on Youtube is more important. As is whatever it is my 15 year old considers important today is, as opposed to decorating the tree.

This is the first year Mike and I are going to put up outdoor lights. This is the first time I get ot do this, as I haven't had a house for over a decade. I'm excited about it, but have no clue as to how many feet of lights to buy. I suppose that I will have to play it by ear.

Mike is downstairs watching football, as opposed to cuddling up and watching a scary movie with me. I can't watch scary movies, but am of the theory that if I watched one with Mike, whilst cuddling on the sofa, I could handle it. Making out like teenagers is a given naturally, but apparently, the Steelers/Ravens game take precidence over heavy petting during scary movie.

So be it. I will go to sleep early.  I think that women in scary movies are stupid anyway. Why, for intstance, do all women in scary movies insist on running into the woods wearing high heels? If I were in that unfortunate position, I would chuck shoes at villan, and would make certain that I DIDN'T trip over stray roots. If I did, I most certainly NOT stay there and weep like some pussy over a sprained ankle.  I mean, hell with a sprained ankle, an psychopath killer is chasing you for crying out loud. RUN! If you are going to die, at least make psycho WORK for it! Jebus, what kind of woman are you? Throw those stelletoes like ninja stars and run your pencil skirted ass off you stupid Barbie wannabe!

Between the Sig and the shotguns and the rifles in my house, no killer is going to just stride into my house. No sir, if I do die, the SOB will at the very least get some pellets in the ass for his efforts, because this chick is no high-heeled helpless chick. Besides, I can run in stelletos. Really, I can. I can also shoot and very, very well. Trust me. Most of my cousins are cajun and I've been hunting since forever....even gator.

Besides, in Texas, we have the Castle Doctrine, so I don't even have the chore of dragging some perv into the house and making it look like he was trying to break in...I can shoot the sucker on my damn LAWN and get off via a grand jury. I love Texas!

Thus is the ramble, in this the 5th day of December in the year of our Lord, 2010.  Night all. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!

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