Monday, December 6, 2010

Math Struggles and Monday Night Football

I have such an awesome man! Monday Night Football is on and he's at the kitchen table helping my youngest daughter with her math homework. She is so tired and frustrated, and I totally empathize with her as I struggled with math for my entire school career. As did Mike, but he's better at it than I am, as I can't even remember how to simplify fractions, and he can, which is why he's helping her.  He's much more patient with her than I am when it comes to math homework. I just seem to revert back to that age and I freeze. It's is rather ironic that I ended up working in a field that deals with math, such as interest rates, fractional shares and the like. Thank God for computers and calculators.

Also, my cat is too fat to jump up onto the sofa. I suppose that she really needs to be put on a diet.

Don Meredith died yesterday...I remember watching him and Howard Cossel on Monday Night Football, and those awful gold jackets. I don't think it's possible to forget Cossel's voice, and how he and Meredith clowned around together. Now both of them are gone and Frank Gifford remains.

I just can't seem to find the energy to comment on things political these days. I do pay attention and I have my thoughts on it all, but it's like this ennui has set in. I don't think that it's pessissimism on my part, I don't think that the country is doomed, yet, but I think that we are in for a very long haul. Thinking about it, and the scope of just how much of a shit storm we are in, is a bit overwelming. I think about what I can do to prepare so that my family can survive, and I thank God that we have little to no debt, but the largeness of it all is, like I said, overwhelming. I know that I shall have to think of it, but I choose to break it all into pieces and deal with each piece at a time. Hence the ennui.  I'll snap out of it, I'm sure.

Otherwise, on the homefront, I got Mike to myself for most of the day today, I knew that the strange man in my bed looked familiar! Tomorrow, we are both back at work; me from 6:45 am to 1pm and he from 1 pm to 10 pm, so I will get to see him when he gets home from work. If  I'm awake.  I may be, because tomorrow I start baking for Christmas. Katie and Adele want to give their teachers cookies and fudge for Christmas, and Mike wants me to bake goodies for his station. This will include a pound of fudge.  One thing is for sure, my diet has been abandoned, at least until the New Year.

Well, that's it for me tonight. Am off to bed, Need the beauty sleep.

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