Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thursday Round-Up

I don't do these regularly, but today is a round-up.

I didn't know that Aretha Franklin had pancreatic cancer, but apparently she has A Year or Less to Live. This is sad, what's even sadder is that the "Reverend" Je$$ie Jack$on has visited her bedside. I'd rather have my nails pulled out with pliers.

As you know by now, Elizabeth Edwars lost her battle with metastatic breast cancer yesterday. I feel for her children and, while I didn't agree with her politics, I feel bad for her. She was too young to die, and she fought a brave battle. She handled her cuckholding with class and dignity, as a lady should. I do wish she would have had a longer life, with a different husband...someone who knows how to treat his lady. Rest in peace, Elizabeth.

When I woke up this morning, I learned that the House of Representatives passed the DREAM Act, and about had a small herd of cattle. Happily, the Senate has Tabled this for the time being. the DREAM Act is FULL of loopholes, and is really Amnesty in disguise. I don't need to educate my readers on this debacle, but just because it's been tabled, doesn't mean that it's dead. Like vampires and zombies, it will rise again. Hopefully, the new powers on D.C. as of January will put a stake in it's heart. That said, Pat as So It Goes In Shreveport has a good round-up on the floor debate:  Blogging the Debate

Better check out any Barbie dolls in the room if you're going to make kiddie porn or don't want to see any other nefarious, or un-nefarious activities featured on YouTube or Fox News, or anywhere, for that matter...seems that we now have Spy Barbie. She can tape a half hour reel ( do they call them "reels" anymore). The FBI is concerned about the potental for abuse, even though there are no reports of illegal activity yet.

DADT is also dead in the water, for now. Hot Air has a good take on this and as always, pithy comment and debate.

Julian Assange is still alive....would he still be if Ronaldus Maximus were President? Also, is it me, or does Julian Assange remind you of a Bond Villan, like the Chris Walken charater in View to a Kill?  this an insult to Chris Walken, to be compared to Julian Assange?

Speaking of Assange, apparently the rape laws in Sweden are very liberal. Two chicks go to Assange's hotel room and have sex with him, sans condoms or OMG the condom broke on purpose, or he's arrested on an internation warrant or somesuch...whatever. He's still breathing. Why?

Am currrently watching last night's Red Eye, we record it because we have jobs that don't allow us to stay up till 2AM to watch it. I love Red Eye and Greg Guttfeld.

Spoiled, used to sucking off the government teat British students are bitching and moaning about the rise in tuition rates, so much so that they've attacked the limo containing Prince Charles (doofus and example of what in breeding does to a person's DNA string) and his wife, whose name I forget and don't really care about anyway....waaaaaaaaa and waaaaaaa

News flash to the students...socialism DOE'S NOT WORK, and now you are seeing the results of decades of a failed system...aka an Ponzi Scheme. If you are serious about your educatuon and future, if youhave any gumption whatsoever, then SUCK IT UP and pay for your education and better yourself!

That's the Round-Up for today...

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