Monday, December 13, 2010

Oh Jebus, It's Cold!

I was born in New Orleans, raised in New Orleans and now live in Houston.  I love the south, love the culture, the history, the people, the food and the weather.

I'm not loving it so much today, as it's 30ish degrees outside. Sunny, but too damn cold for this steel magnolia!

I can't imagine living where it gets down to -14 degrees during the day and colder at night! How do humans function in that?  I know that they have coats, heaters and snow tires, but how can one function when one's toes are numb and one's ears are so cold that they feel hard enough to be used as an anvil, and that's with a hat covering them!

As I sit here, in my toasty den, sipping a hot cup of coffee, I'm watching the weather on FNC. Janice Dean is talking about the record snow, and showing scenes featuring snow blowers, ice encrusted cars and the roof of the Metrodome collapsing under the weight of the snow (this collapse makes me wonder why the builders would put a cloth roof on a building...don't they realize that they live in snow prone parts of the nation and that snow is heavy!) 

Naturally, my children, who have never had to drive in snow (I did once or twice when we had freak snow in New Orleans and Houston) are wishing for snow here this season. They are jealous of the fact that the kids up north don't have school. I cheerfully explained to them that unless there were blizzards, the kids went to school in the snow, every day. They aren't so jealous anymore.

The kids are appreciative of the fact that I'm an at home mom now, as they both got driven to school today. Normally I make them take the bus, no matter the weather, as I believe that standing in the cold and rain, or heat and humidity are charater building, but even I have some mercy for my obnoxious teenager and my tough 11 year old tomboy! If I were still working, they'd have to take the bus today, and it's too darn cold; they each are also coming down with colds and our health insurance hasn't kicked in yet.  Adele, the youngest has a thermos of chicken noodle soup in her lunch box. I just can't see the kids eating cold sandwiches on a day like this.

I'm all for a nice chilly day during the winter season, especially at Christmas time, but by chilly I don't mean 32 degrees. I mean 65 degrees...just cold enough to wear a sweater and my fur coat; or a shortsleeved mock tutrleneck and my fur coat. I really don't want a white Christmas, slim as those chances are, this year...or any damn year for that matter.  I want my Christmas to be sunny and a nice balmy 65 or so degrees. Because this is the south, for crying out loud, and this magnolia is freezing!

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