Saturday, December 11, 2010

Man Child In Chief

I've been reading news stories and blogs this morning about the jaw dropping performance in the White House Press Room yesterday.

I have to say that when I saw this story on Fox last night, I had to rewind the story and watch it again, it was THAT unbelievable.

Before I link to my favorite articles and postings, I have a point of view on this disgrace.

I am no supporter of Barak Obama, I think he is an inexperienced community organizer, who is a straw man for higher powers in the world. Yesterday's performance merely adds to the negative column in President Obama's book. Once again, we are seeing what electing someone based on style over substance can do. We saw it with Clinton too, but I can say for a fact that he would have NEVER, EVER done this.

What concerns me the most about his entire presidency, and yesterday adds to this concern, is how our enemies now view us, when we have such a man behind the Resolute desk. When your enemies no longer fear you, they have won. I believe that our enemies no longer fear us. How could they, when sitting in their caves watching this performance on their satellites, see a man who cannot communicate a point to his own countrymen and then brings a FORMER President into the presser and leaves him alone to speak by using the excuse that HIS WIFE is waiting on him to go to a party.

HIS WIFE! WAITING ON HIM, and boy will she be mad if she's kept waiting any longer!

First of all, Barak Obama is the leader of the free world, so parties, golf, sex, your wife, whatever, by NATURE OF THE DAMN JOB, MUST take a back seat to the job of running the bloody country! This kind of sacrifice is one of the reasons why the average human being doesn't desire the job. The willingness of a person to be on the job 24/7, to sacrifice most of his privacy, be Commander in Chief of the greastest armed forces in the world, and essentially living in a fish bowl as well as having the burden of the world on his shoulders is why we respect the person we elect to that office. It's a shitty job, and we see the results of that burden pretty rapidly; I know of no President who doesn't age pretty rapidly under the stress.

If you can't prioritize, don't take on the job.

Secondly, and as I stated before, our enemies most certainly were watching this, and the fact that a MAN is ALLOWING HIMSELF TO BE RULED by his WIFE is laughable among the mysoginistic pigs that are out to destroy everyone who doesn't agree with them. Yes, the Radical Muslims, the Jihadists, Al Queada, etc...

Can you imagine how WEAK this man appears to them? If he is this weak as a man then how weak is he as a leader? Surely this is something they are thinking about, and most likely talking about!

"The President of The United States of America is ruled by his wife and is too inadequate to explain important domestic policy to his people, so inadequate in fact, that he has to bring in a FORMER President, the man married to his ENEMY even, and then leaves that man at the podium to explain what Obama can't. Leaves! Not because he has am important meeting with a head of state, or a senator; leaves because his WIFE WILL GET ANGRY AT HIM IF HE'S LATE FOR AN INFIDEL PARTY! Ahahahahahaha!"

That's what our enemy sees. That's what our enemy thinks. 

We are dissing our allies, we are bowing to our enemies, we are apologizing for our superiority; it must stop. This man is dangerous and he is doing everything he can to destroy America and her specialness.

As President Reagan said, and I'm paraphrasing: If America dies, then the last hope of the world is gone.

President Obama and the "Progressives" (commies) that hold power in Washington D.C., in cities and states in this nation, and even in the Pentagon, must, MUST be removed from power. November was only the opening volley in the revolution. It is imperative that the battle continue to be waged at the ballot box. It is why we must stay involved, informed and to participate. Why we must continue to speak out, to educate and work for real change.

Hot Air: Great News! Bill Clinton Apparently Now President Again!

Michelle Malkin: Bubba Power!

So It Goes In Shreveport: Were They Serving Eggnog (With Nutmeg) at That Christmas Party?

Hot Air: Don't Walk Away Renee

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