Grandpa John's: TOTUS Reveals POTUS' Understanding of Latest Terrorist Activity
Found this via So It Goes In Shreveport. Adding him to my "follow" list.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
I Love A Good Implosion
There are political implosions and literal implosions, engineered by experts, to make way for new structures. These are cool to watch, and I am always amazed at the fact that man is talented enough to manage volitile materials and make them work for good.
For a while after 9/11, I couldn't watch these feats, because the the resulting dust clouds reminded me of that horrible morning. For the longest time after that September day, I likened the waves of dust crashing through the streets and enveloping all in it's path, to death and pain and senslessness.
When I heard that The Stardust was going to be demolished to make way for a new casino resort, I decided to watch the footage; after all, The Stardust was an iconic fixture in the Las Vegas skyline. I'm glad that I did watch the footage, because the building went down in a blaze of glory, Las Vegas style, complete with fireworks and to cheering crowds.
The Stardust coming down cleansed me in a way. The dust cloud was still scary looking, but the fundamental difference I realized was this; The World Trade Center was demolished by 19 men intent on crippling this country, intent on murdering human beings and terrorizing them on the way to their deaths. The rolling waves of dust that roared down on the streets of New York carried the dust of souls and the taste of terror and death. 9/11 was conceived and designed to try to cripple us.
The demoliton of The Stardust, and every building before and after; it was done by design, but a design of a different nature, one of promise and optimisim. These demolitions are done to the cheers of the spectators, who are there on purpose to watch, to celebrate a peaceful explosion and the birth of something new.
While a New World Trade Center is being built, and while we have not allowed the religious fanatics who are the enemy of all who disagree with them, to take away what makes us Americans, there will always be something haunting about that piece of land. Exorcised, yes, but still capable of invoking sadness, grief and anger in my heart. Yet, the demolitions of buildings post 9/11, for me, are plasters on the wound and a small bit of comfort. It's the comfort of knowing that we still progress and move on, and that every event in our lives shapes our future selves.
So this morning, I watched the demoliton of a complex in Dallas, which led me to this post and to these thoughts. It also speaks to the differences between these two events and the reasons behind them. It is perhaps fitting that this event falls on the day after another attempt on us by the Islamic Jihadists. They were, once again, trying to murder and impose their religious views on the rest of us; comply or die. Christianity does not do this, we are all free to choose to believe or not, to worship or not; and to those who will bring out The Inquisition and The Crusades, I say this;
We have evolved past those days, the Islamists haven't. Christians spread The Word through good works and peaceful means, Radical Islamists, obeying their Koran impose their religion at knifepoint. Therein lies the difference.
I stated earlier, the hijackers of 9/11 were following their "god", apparently one who advocates and orders the destruction of those who won't comply. This morning's demolition of First Baptist church in Dallas was done to make way for a new church complex, where guests are welcomed, even if they don't agree with what is said. A place where peace and the love of fellow man, sinners all, is taught and preached. A place where life is held sacred, where no one plays God like the hijackers did, and Islamic terrorists do.
It went off without a hitch, and the original sanctuary wasn't harmed, eventhough it was right next to the four buildings that were demolished.
Isn't it cool?
For a while after 9/11, I couldn't watch these feats, because the the resulting dust clouds reminded me of that horrible morning. For the longest time after that September day, I likened the waves of dust crashing through the streets and enveloping all in it's path, to death and pain and senslessness.
When I heard that The Stardust was going to be demolished to make way for a new casino resort, I decided to watch the footage; after all, The Stardust was an iconic fixture in the Las Vegas skyline. I'm glad that I did watch the footage, because the building went down in a blaze of glory, Las Vegas style, complete with fireworks and to cheering crowds.
The Stardust coming down cleansed me in a way. The dust cloud was still scary looking, but the fundamental difference I realized was this; The World Trade Center was demolished by 19 men intent on crippling this country, intent on murdering human beings and terrorizing them on the way to their deaths. The rolling waves of dust that roared down on the streets of New York carried the dust of souls and the taste of terror and death. 9/11 was conceived and designed to try to cripple us.
The demoliton of The Stardust, and every building before and after; it was done by design, but a design of a different nature, one of promise and optimisim. These demolitions are done to the cheers of the spectators, who are there on purpose to watch, to celebrate a peaceful explosion and the birth of something new.
While a New World Trade Center is being built, and while we have not allowed the religious fanatics who are the enemy of all who disagree with them, to take away what makes us Americans, there will always be something haunting about that piece of land. Exorcised, yes, but still capable of invoking sadness, grief and anger in my heart. Yet, the demolitions of buildings post 9/11, for me, are plasters on the wound and a small bit of comfort. It's the comfort of knowing that we still progress and move on, and that every event in our lives shapes our future selves.
So this morning, I watched the demoliton of a complex in Dallas, which led me to this post and to these thoughts. It also speaks to the differences between these two events and the reasons behind them. It is perhaps fitting that this event falls on the day after another attempt on us by the Islamic Jihadists. They were, once again, trying to murder and impose their religious views on the rest of us; comply or die. Christianity does not do this, we are all free to choose to believe or not, to worship or not; and to those who will bring out The Inquisition and The Crusades, I say this;
We have evolved past those days, the Islamists haven't. Christians spread The Word through good works and peaceful means, Radical Islamists, obeying their Koran impose their religion at knifepoint. Therein lies the difference.
I stated earlier, the hijackers of 9/11 were following their "god", apparently one who advocates and orders the destruction of those who won't comply. This morning's demolition of First Baptist church in Dallas was done to make way for a new church complex, where guests are welcomed, even if they don't agree with what is said. A place where peace and the love of fellow man, sinners all, is taught and preached. A place where life is held sacred, where no one plays God like the hijackers did, and Islamic terrorists do.
It went off without a hitch, and the original sanctuary wasn't harmed, eventhough it was right next to the four buildings that were demolished.
Isn't it cool?
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
And So The Fraud Begins....
Remember the debacle that was Bush V. Gore in the 2000 Presidential election? Well, with so much on the line for the Dems this midterm, you can expect fireworks. Seems that they've begun:
The interesting thing about this first post, is that the county is unionized, and guess what union is in charge of setting up the voting machines? If you said the SEIU, then you guessed it in one!
Nevada Voters Complain of Problems at Polls and Washington Examiner; Beltway Confidential
It's also interesting to note that Rory Reid is the Clark County Comissioner...even though he's disavowed his father by dropping the Reid last name from his campaign. Pardon me while I express my, erm, skepticisim....uh huh.
The excuse given is,well, questionable at best:
But this isn't just happening in Nevada. Already stories of questionable practices by the Dems and their supporters are cropping up on the east coast, specifically in Craven County,NC. As The Sun Journal reports: Voter Reports Problem With Machine. It's a good thing this voter checks his votes before casting:
Let's not forget Chicago! After all there can be no election fraud with out Chi-town's participation.
Not wanting to be left out of the fracas, and perhaps one of the most blantant moves comes from Pennsylvania, where it's been alleged that:
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, that bastion of fine, upstanding, Constitutionalist judges, has opened the door to what is the potential for MASSIVE voter fraud. Michelle Malkin does the usual bang up job in summoning up the facts.
I'm a fan of early voting, I voted myself on Tuesday. As for absentee voting, I can see where it's useful, with in reason. First of all, you should only be able to request an absentee ballot THROUGH THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OFFICE and that's where they SHOULD BE RETURNED!! There is no reason for any committee, wether Democrat or Republican, to be sending out these ballots, and also having them returned to an address that isn't the registrar's office.
I also think that the reasons for allowing someone an absentee ballot should be few and for valid reasons. To change the rules to allow absentee voting for ANY reason short of being on vacation, in the hospital or home bound, merely allows for the kind of schnanigans we are starting to see.
All said, we have to keep vigilant. The Dems will stop at NOTHING to keep power, so that they can further their Socialist agenda.
The interesting thing about this first post, is that the county is unionized, and guess what union is in charge of setting up the voting machines? If you said the SEIU, then you guessed it in one!
Nevada Voters Complain of Problems at Polls and Washington Examiner; Beltway Confidential
It's also interesting to note that Rory Reid is the Clark County Comissioner...even though he's disavowed his father by dropping the Reid last name from his campaign. Pardon me while I express my, erm, skepticisim....uh huh.
The excuse given is,well, questionable at best:
Clark County Registrar of Voters Larry Lomax said there is no voter fraud, although the issues do come up because the touch-screens are sensitive
But this isn't just happening in Nevada. Already stories of questionable practices by the Dems and their supporters are cropping up on the east coast, specifically in Craven County,NC. As The Sun Journal reports: Voter Reports Problem With Machine. It's a good thing this voter checks his votes before casting:
Sam Laughinghouse of New Bern said he pushed the button to vote Republican in all races, but the voting machine screen displayed a ballot with all Democrats checked. He cleared the screen and tried again with the same result, he said. Then he asked for and received help from election staff.
Let's not forget Chicago! After all there can be no election fraud with out Chi-town's participation.
This year marks the first Illinois election that any registered voter can cast their ballot by mail, no excuses necessary. Even as the deadline for postmarking those ballots nears, problems are brewingThis is rich:
Chicagoan Rosia Carter is one of 404,000 registered Illinois voters who recently received vote-by-mail requests that were sent by the Illinois Democratic Coordinated Campaign.Uh huh....
"By the time I filled it out and sent it in, my vote would not get counted," Carter said.
She and others called the I-Team when they noticed the return address is not their local election official but instead a PO box for the organization. IDCC officials claim they are entering ballot request information into their own database before sending the mailings on to election authorities who then mail voters the ballot.
Not wanting to be left out of the fracas, and perhaps one of the most blantant moves comes from Pennsylvania, where it's been alleged that:
...on a series of letters voters in Bucks County began receiving some time after Labor Day. On letterhead of the fictitious Pennsylvania Voter Assistance Office, the mailings warned recipients that their right to participate in the Nov. 2 election might be in jeopardy if they failed to respond.Here's the link to the story: Residents Cry Foul Over Ballots
The letters are signed by Frank S. Schultz, a Levittown resident who contributed $2,750 to Murphy's 2008 campaign, according to Federal Election Commission records.
The letters included an absentee ballot application and a postage-paid envelope addressed to post office box 2172 at the Bristol Borough post office on Beaver Street. The petition includes a photo in which the note containing Persico's name is visible through the window of the post office box.
"The bogus letter seeks to trick voters into needlessly registering for absentee ballots and then, for reasons unknown, causes them to send those ballots to a post office box apparently controlled by the Democratic candidate for Congress," the petition says.
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, that bastion of fine, upstanding, Constitutionalist judges, has opened the door to what is the potential for MASSIVE voter fraud. Michelle Malkin does the usual bang up job in summoning up the facts.
I'm a fan of early voting, I voted myself on Tuesday. As for absentee voting, I can see where it's useful, with in reason. First of all, you should only be able to request an absentee ballot THROUGH THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OFFICE and that's where they SHOULD BE RETURNED!! There is no reason for any committee, wether Democrat or Republican, to be sending out these ballots, and also having them returned to an address that isn't the registrar's office.
I also think that the reasons for allowing someone an absentee ballot should be few and for valid reasons. To change the rules to allow absentee voting for ANY reason short of being on vacation, in the hospital or home bound, merely allows for the kind of schnanigans we are starting to see.
All said, we have to keep vigilant. The Dems will stop at NOTHING to keep power, so that they can further their Socialist agenda.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Is This the Future of US Healthcare?
"Nurse" Almost Kills Patient
Perhaps the most telling part of this sad tale is this:
Perhaps the most telling part of this sad tale is this:
The 37-year-old, left paralysed from the neck down following a car accident in 2002, had a bedside camera set up at his home after becoming concerned about the standard of care he was receiving.The NHS has been under fire for years now concerning the care that patients receive. From the Denial of Breast Cancer Drugs to women due to the cost, to a 26 year-old man left to starve to death because the doctors assumed that the nurses had started a feeding tube, the record of the top heavy NHS is abmysal. These are just a few examples of the shoddy care victims of England's tax paying citizens recieve. Could this also be a glimpse of America's future under Obamacare?
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Sunday Round-Up, Illinois Soldiers Wait for Ballots. Prisoners Get Hand Delivery.
And people think that Louisiana politics is crooked...well it is, but Illinois is right up there.
Illinois Soldiers Wait for Ballots. Prisoners Get Hand Delivery.
To add salt to the wound, Illinois has said that they will "allow" the men and women who fight for this nation 1 DAY extra to get their votes in.
That's mighty white of them.
I wouldn't hold my breath for the DOJ to investigate this, given their record under Holder, regarding voter rights. A Cop's Watch gives an update on the New Black Panther's case.
Speaking of Louisiana politics...I still follow events in my birth state, and as So It Goes in Shreveport tells us, November 2 is also local.
Some people shouldn't be parents. Especially if they behave like kindergardeners, like This Bitch. Happily, there is Justice in the world. I hope that she is also prosecuted for the harrassment of a terminally ill 7 year-old. Apparently, this woman is unstable and hasn't confined herself to harrassment. She's also been charged with Assault on another neighbor. To think that all of this started over a birthday party, although I have a feeling that she wasn't the best of neighbors before the party.
As much as I'm sure NPR would like the controversy to die down, the story has legs and is running fast and furious. As seen over at, Charles Krauthammer takes Nina Totenberg to task for the obvious double standard that exists at NPR.
Personally, I want to see NPR and even PBS defunded. They served a purpose back in the day when there was no cable news or talk radio, but there are so many choices now and so many places to go for a view on all sides, that there is no need for public financing. Everyone with a brain knows these stations are nothing but propaganda tools anyway.
And here is today's Rush selection. It's on the Ipod in my "treadmill workout" list: Rush Live in Rio; YYZ
That's it for this morning; I have to get ready to watch the Saints trounce the Browns. GEAUX SAINTS!!
Illinois Soldiers Wait for Ballots. Prisoners Get Hand Delivery.
To add salt to the wound, Illinois has said that they will "allow" the men and women who fight for this nation 1 DAY extra to get their votes in.
That's mighty white of them.
I wouldn't hold my breath for the DOJ to investigate this, given their record under Holder, regarding voter rights. A Cop's Watch gives an update on the New Black Panther's case.
Speaking of Louisiana politics...I still follow events in my birth state, and as So It Goes in Shreveport tells us, November 2 is also local.
Some people shouldn't be parents. Especially if they behave like kindergardeners, like This Bitch. Happily, there is Justice in the world. I hope that she is also prosecuted for the harrassment of a terminally ill 7 year-old. Apparently, this woman is unstable and hasn't confined herself to harrassment. She's also been charged with Assault on another neighbor. To think that all of this started over a birthday party, although I have a feeling that she wasn't the best of neighbors before the party.
As much as I'm sure NPR would like the controversy to die down, the story has legs and is running fast and furious. As seen over at, Charles Krauthammer takes Nina Totenberg to task for the obvious double standard that exists at NPR.
Personally, I want to see NPR and even PBS defunded. They served a purpose back in the day when there was no cable news or talk radio, but there are so many choices now and so many places to go for a view on all sides, that there is no need for public financing. Everyone with a brain knows these stations are nothing but propaganda tools anyway.
And here is today's Rush selection. It's on the Ipod in my "treadmill workout" list: Rush Live in Rio; YYZ
That's it for this morning; I have to get ready to watch the Saints trounce the Browns. GEAUX SAINTS!!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Juan Williams and the Hateful Left
Things are heating up over NPR's outsting of Juan Williams, and the man is getting a taste of what we conservatives have to put up with from the hatefilled left.
Happily, he has been offered and has accepted a contract with Fox News for a proported 2 million smackeroos!
Here's HotAir.coms post on this: Juan Williams and the Hateful Left
Now I'm off for coffee and more reading...Friday Round-Up to follow.
Happily, he has been offered and has accepted a contract with Fox News for a proported 2 million smackeroos!
Here's HotAir.coms post on this: Juan Williams and the Hateful Left
Now I'm off for coffee and more reading...Friday Round-Up to follow.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Thursday Round-Up
I was watching the Bill O'Reilly show in question, when Juan Williams made this remark. I didn't think anything of it at the time, and still don't. I also look at Muslim's in muslim garb differently, and with a little bit of fear, since 9/11. It's natural to do this, I believe, given the fact that the Amish didn't hijack 4 planes and kill 3000 people. It was Islamist extremists who did it, and there is no amount of PC crap that will change the facts.
Are the majority of Muslims peaceful? I'm sure they are, but the silence of the so called "moderate Muslim" is still deafening. Doe's this make me a bigot? I don't believe so, I know a few Muslims, and they are just like me; they have families, want a good and peaceful life...they too are more cautious since 9/11.
NPR Fires Williams
Michelle Malkin has a great round-up of the issue, found here:
I like Juan Williams, he's one of those liberals that you can debate, because he has logical well thought out arguments. He is not a bomb thrower, and not prone to the hyperbole one hears when one listens to NPR. I hope that this means we will get to see more of him on Fox.
The handmaidens of the powerful are grasping at straws. I can't watch Rachel Maddow, she makes me want to throw things at my TV, and I like my TV. When I heard about this, however, I had to read it. Will these people stop at nothing? I will not bemoan the lack of journalistic credibility, that's long gone; hence the awesome ratings of Fox News and the slow demise of the papers, but come on! My cat would have no trouble debunking the purposefull misrepresentation made by Ms. Maddow.
Here's the story:
He Hearts Bees.
Clinton Thinks With His Penis; Loses Nuclear Codes
Are the majority of Muslims peaceful? I'm sure they are, but the silence of the so called "moderate Muslim" is still deafening. Doe's this make me a bigot? I don't believe so, I know a few Muslims, and they are just like me; they have families, want a good and peaceful life...they too are more cautious since 9/11.
NPR Fires Williams
Michelle Malkin has a great round-up of the issue, found here:
I like Juan Williams, he's one of those liberals that you can debate, because he has logical well thought out arguments. He is not a bomb thrower, and not prone to the hyperbole one hears when one listens to NPR. I hope that this means we will get to see more of him on Fox.
The handmaidens of the powerful are grasping at straws. I can't watch Rachel Maddow, she makes me want to throw things at my TV, and I like my TV. When I heard about this, however, I had to read it. Will these people stop at nothing? I will not bemoan the lack of journalistic credibility, that's long gone; hence the awesome ratings of Fox News and the slow demise of the papers, but come on! My cat would have no trouble debunking the purposefull misrepresentation made by Ms. Maddow.
![]() |
OH HELL NO!!!!! |
He Hearts Bees.
Well Isn't that Special? This is why blow jobs in the Oval Office are frowned upon by most of us.
Gen. Hugh Shelton, who served under Clinton as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the "biscuit" -- as it is known -- was missing for months, ABC News reported.
Clinton Thinks With His Penis; Loses Nuclear Codes
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wednesday Round-Up
Mark Twain once said: " Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." Palin haters, so caught up in the meme that she is a blithering idiot, once more show their total ignorance. The link below is from Perfunction.
Perfunction: History Illiteracy
While we are on the topic of ignorance; it's bandied about that Christine O'Donnell is an ignoramus as well. Meanwhile her opponent seems deficient in a few areas concerning the Constitution. Is it just me, or shouldn't those who want to be a United States Senator at least be familiar with the first five freedoms guaranteed us in the First Amendment?
Chris Coons Can't Name the First Five Freedoms
I'm not a huge baseball fan, but I'm also pleased that the Yankees may not win the Series. I'm really sick of the Yankees, and as a Southerner and a Texan, well I consider it my patriotic duty to root for the Rangers. So It Goes In Shreveport has a nice post about the series: So It Goes In Shreveport
I don't condone shouting matches at debates, after all, debates are supposed to be forums in which one learns the points and counter points of the candidates. However, I'm linking this because this is a prime example of just how heated things are in this country. President Obama may well mock the voters, but our fears are genuine, the future of this Representative Republic is in danger with the Alinsky crowd in charge.
Minnesota: Crowd Gets Raucous
I talked about this on my Facebook page, but MikeAT over at A Cops Watch discusses this as well. I will only add, what the hell is up with humans these days? If one can call these people "human", that is:
Cyberbully a Dying 7 Year Old Girl
I love IowaHawk. This one's a bit long, but it's funny as hell (irony often is) and worth the time:
Beltway Adventures
First we lost Mrs. Cleaver, now we lose Mr. C. Tom Bosley Dead at 83
That's it for the round-up. At least for now. Who knows what this day will bring?
Perfunction: History Illiteracy
While we are on the topic of ignorance; it's bandied about that Christine O'Donnell is an ignoramus as well. Meanwhile her opponent seems deficient in a few areas concerning the Constitution. Is it just me, or shouldn't those who want to be a United States Senator at least be familiar with the first five freedoms guaranteed us in the First Amendment?
Chris Coons Can't Name the First Five Freedoms
I'm not a huge baseball fan, but I'm also pleased that the Yankees may not win the Series. I'm really sick of the Yankees, and as a Southerner and a Texan, well I consider it my patriotic duty to root for the Rangers. So It Goes In Shreveport has a nice post about the series: So It Goes In Shreveport
I don't condone shouting matches at debates, after all, debates are supposed to be forums in which one learns the points and counter points of the candidates. However, I'm linking this because this is a prime example of just how heated things are in this country. President Obama may well mock the voters, but our fears are genuine, the future of this Representative Republic is in danger with the Alinsky crowd in charge.
Minnesota: Crowd Gets Raucous
I talked about this on my Facebook page, but MikeAT over at A Cops Watch discusses this as well. I will only add, what the hell is up with humans these days? If one can call these people "human", that is:
Cyberbully a Dying 7 Year Old Girl
I love IowaHawk. This one's a bit long, but it's funny as hell (irony often is) and worth the time:
Beltway Adventures
First we lost Mrs. Cleaver, now we lose Mr. C. Tom Bosley Dead at 83
That's it for the round-up. At least for now. Who knows what this day will bring?
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Tuesday Round-Up
Oddly enough, Mike and I were discussing this topic last night as we lounged around outside, enjoying the weather here in Houston. We both grew up in New Orleans, and seen the results of the welfare system. It's created a Welfare Class. I believe that this was done on purpose, this enslaving of humans, and apparently this new "study" is perpetuating the untruth that poverty begets poverty. It's the generational teaching, begun with the Great Society, that has led to what I see every time I pass a housing project in New Orleans.
In a small way, I felt pity for the poor fools that didn't leave New Orleans in the days leading up to Katrina. On one hand, these people have been raised and reared to depend on the government for nearly EVERYTHING. They are essentially slaves of the politicians, and thanks to their way of thinking (which is the only way they know to think)the government was supposed to take care of them. The government failed them, Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco failed them. Then again, these people are nothing more than votes to the politicians.
But pity is an interesting thing, and my anger towards the welfare class is grounded in the knowledge that even the most unfortunate, illeducated person, knows that there is a better life to be had. Sadly, our I Want It All and I Want It Now, culture breeds impatience. This is seen even in college grads, this entitlement mentality.
My point is this, most of my generation was brought up to work hard to achieve our goals, even if we were raised at the beginning of the "Me" generation that the Yuppies brought to the fore; and the lessons we learned from our grandparents, hard work, education, perserverance; all need to be taught again. The only way to break the cycle that has created the Welfare Class, is tough love.
Liberals Reexamining the Culture of Poverty? Guess Again - By Robert Rector - The Corner - National Review Online
Yes, Mr. President, we are scared. Scared of your marxist policies, scared that the Constitution is being averted, but this is why we ARE thinking clearly, and why we are going to turn out in record numbers to vote you into Lame Duck status.....Obama: Voters Not Thinking Clearly
We should look to Socialist Europe as an example of why Socialism does not, and never will, work. These people are protesting the raising of the retirement age to PAST 60!!!!! I know that this is old news, but I offer it as another example of what the "entitlement" mentallity does to humans...French Strike over Pensions, Sarkozy Vows Fuel Action
The Green Room, over at Hot Air, has an interesting piece...the comments are funny too. What do you think the Wag the Dog scenario will be? The Green Room
More later, perhaps, but now I have to get the youngest to the bus stop.
In a small way, I felt pity for the poor fools that didn't leave New Orleans in the days leading up to Katrina. On one hand, these people have been raised and reared to depend on the government for nearly EVERYTHING. They are essentially slaves of the politicians, and thanks to their way of thinking (which is the only way they know to think)the government was supposed to take care of them. The government failed them, Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco failed them. Then again, these people are nothing more than votes to the politicians.
But pity is an interesting thing, and my anger towards the welfare class is grounded in the knowledge that even the most unfortunate, illeducated person, knows that there is a better life to be had. Sadly, our I Want It All and I Want It Now, culture breeds impatience. This is seen even in college grads, this entitlement mentality.
My point is this, most of my generation was brought up to work hard to achieve our goals, even if we were raised at the beginning of the "Me" generation that the Yuppies brought to the fore; and the lessons we learned from our grandparents, hard work, education, perserverance; all need to be taught again. The only way to break the cycle that has created the Welfare Class, is tough love.
Liberals Reexamining the Culture of Poverty? Guess Again - By Robert Rector - The Corner - National Review Online
Yes, Mr. President, we are scared. Scared of your marxist policies, scared that the Constitution is being averted, but this is why we ARE thinking clearly, and why we are going to turn out in record numbers to vote you into Lame Duck status.....Obama: Voters Not Thinking Clearly
We should look to Socialist Europe as an example of why Socialism does not, and never will, work. These people are protesting the raising of the retirement age to PAST 60!!!!! I know that this is old news, but I offer it as another example of what the "entitlement" mentallity does to humans...French Strike over Pensions, Sarkozy Vows Fuel Action
The Green Room, over at Hot Air, has an interesting piece...the comments are funny too. What do you think the Wag the Dog scenario will be? The Green Room
More later, perhaps, but now I have to get the youngest to the bus stop.
Monday, October 18, 2010
IS there NO ORIGINALITY in Hollywood any more? WTF?
As someone who has attended more midnite showings of the original, than I care to count. As someone who has picked rice out of her hair, more times than I dare mention; as someone who once, dressed as Magenta, had her thigh high fishnets burned with a cigarette (back in the day when one could smoke in a theater and no one gave a shit about second hand smoke...and no, you can't see the scar. Modesty prevents.) I can say that NO ONE, NO BLOODY HUMAN on the planet is Frank N.Furter EXCEPT Tim fucking Curry! NO ONE!
Hells bells, it's the only vehicle I can tolerate Susan Sarandon in. And just who, would be able to replace Meat Loaf? Can anyone tell me? Only Barry Bostwick can look that sad in a pair or tidy whities, and don't even get me started on Little Nell. I took tap dancing lessons because of her...sort of. OMG, who the frick will they get to play Rocky? Christ on a pony, what is this world coming to?
This cannot be allowed.
'Glee' Creator Ryan Murphy Eyes Redo Of 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' For Fox 2000
As someone who has attended more midnite showings of the original, than I care to count. As someone who has picked rice out of her hair, more times than I dare mention; as someone who once, dressed as Magenta, had her thigh high fishnets burned with a cigarette (back in the day when one could smoke in a theater and no one gave a shit about second hand smoke...and no, you can't see the scar. Modesty prevents.) I can say that NO ONE, NO BLOODY HUMAN on the planet is Frank N.Furter EXCEPT Tim fucking Curry! NO ONE!
Hells bells, it's the only vehicle I can tolerate Susan Sarandon in. And just who, would be able to replace Meat Loaf? Can anyone tell me? Only Barry Bostwick can look that sad in a pair or tidy whities, and don't even get me started on Little Nell. I took tap dancing lessons because of her...sort of. OMG, who the frick will they get to play Rocky? Christ on a pony, what is this world coming to?
This cannot be allowed.
'Glee' Creator Ryan Murphy Eyes Redo Of 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' For Fox 2000
A Weekend In New Orleans
Sometimes, life is very odd.
As I write this, I am freshly returned from a weekend trip to New Orleans, the town I was born and raised in; the town I recently moved away from to go back to Houston because I was starting a new life. This is a story in and of it self, one of those quirky little tales that leaves the hearer shaking their heads and saying "wow, isn't life funny?".
Here's the story: I grew up in Metairie, a suburb of New Orleans, in an average middle class home. I was blessed enough to have parents who were still married, and happy. I have two younger sisters, one younger by 2 years and one younger by 9, each of whom were total bitches to me as we were growing up, as I was to them. Oh, we loved each other very dearly, we still do and are in that phase of life where we are best friends, but we were total bitches to each other in the manner of sisters.
It was interesting in my house, especially for my daddy, who was the only man in the house. Mom ruled the roost, she still does, and daddy was your typical dad of his generation; he worked a job, loved his girls and took care of the manly things around the house. I am proud to say that I'm still a daddy's girl, just not a spoiled daddy's girl; we were never spoiled. It's not that I don't love my mom, I do very much, but when I need a hug, or some one to bitch at, or practical advice, I go to my daddy.
So, I grew up in a normal house. I wore hand me downs, I had a few friends and I used to ride my bike around the neighborhood from 9am until the streetlights came on.
Then came the year that I started "Middle School". That's where I started growing up, filling out and feeling insecure and awkward. I fucking hated middle school, even though I started off in full confidence. I honestly still remember how I felt, confidence lent to me through the cool new straight leg jeans and platform sandals mom allowed me, the most uncoodinated person on the planet next to Inspector Clouseau, to wear.
Then I walked into the classroom and learned the painful lesson that there are cute blondes, who have better clothes and bigger breasts. Oh, and then there were the cliques, many, many cliques. Those awful cliques, none of which I was good enough for until the day I met this cute boy.
Or did he meet me first? I have no memory of who met whom first, but I think it was in the disciplinarian's office where I was confined because of a broken leg due to unfortunate circumstances that involved me, a pair of Candies shoes and a stairwell. I think he was a "guest" there. I do remember that he was cute. My standard of cute; which means nerdy, intelligent and mischieveious. His name was Jason.
Jason, apparently liked me enough to introduce me to his buddies, and we became friends. I still smile when I think of Jason, Jennifer, Kevin, Keith, Tedd, Jay, Juan and Mike. Not to mention the antics, or my creative writing phase, which Jason still teases me about.
Oh, those years at John Quincy Adams.
The Adams Gang, which is what I call us now, were and still are a creative bunch. The most memorable was the year we decided to make a movie, written by Kevin and called Idiodyssey. We were ambitious, and the script was too; actually it was very good for a bunch of middle schoolers. We had a camera with which to film. Jennifer and I had the shared female leads, which soothed our vanity, and we got to stuff poor little 7th graders into lockers. What more could a band of mischieveious 7th grade nerdy types want?
Permission to film on school property after hours. That's what we wanted, and didn't have. Jennifer, bless her heart, took the rap for all of us. Mother would have killed me if I'd gotten suspended, which is what happened to Jennifer. That was the end of the movie, which may have catapulted us all to Hollywood and riches. Or not.
I will not go into the Cherry Bomb incident, except to say that it wasn't me, I know who it was, I will never tell and it was AWESOME!
It wasn't all fun and games. I grew up with these awesome people. I could flirt with Jason and Kevin, safely, knowing that they would never take advantage of me. Not that they didn't want to, but we were so young and inexperienced, we'd have had no clue what to do once first base was breached.
I had my first date ever with Jason, to the homecoming dance. I still remember how nervous I was, hoping he'd like my dress, praying that I'd be able to dance without falling over or stepping on his toes. Hoping I'd get my first kiss at the end of the evening, and if I did would I be embarrassed because his daddy would be watching from the car.
Well I managed to not step on toes, found out that there is nothing (well at the time there was nothing) that compared to slow dancing with a young man who had your young heart in his pocket, and that one does not think of your date's father watching when one is about to faint from the pleasure of a first kiss.
Jennifer and I were tight, I remember riding my bike to her house and spending days there doing girly things or just hanging out. Jennifer was, and is, so smart it was scary. She helped me with math, thank God, otherwise I'd still be in middle school.
We were so innocent then. I miss that sometimes. That pureness of heart, when you had the whole world before you but didn't realize it. We wanted to grow up so fast.
High school came, and I was the only one of the gang who ended up at Grace King. They went to Bonnabel, and we eventually drifted apart. I ended up alone again, until I made new friends, and I lived my life.
I married, divorced and moved to Houston in 1998. I made a career here, which oddly enough involves a lot of math, and lived my life as a single mother who didn't really date a lot, and had quite settled herself to the fact that she was going to be that "crazy cat lady" who lived up the street.
Then came Facebook. Then one day came Jason to my friends request queue, and the years fell away. It was like we had just seen one another the day before, and the more we talked, the more I realized that I missed New Orleans and wanted to go home again. I had no clue how to do it, what with a job I loved in Houston and two kids, but one day the opportunity presented it self out of the blue. I had a job waiting for me in NOLA, moving expenses and found an apartment. Jason, bless his heart, spent the weekend squireing me about in his GTO so i could get an idea about how much had changed since Katrina. I knew what I was getting myself into, "Cop Mode" Jason made sure of that.
And so I went home. It was hard, leaving my family here in Houston, but I was determined to do it, and I did. I actually drove a 27' Penskie truck with a tow dollie attached to it from Houston to New Orleans. It was me, my eldest daughter and the cat; it was a BLAST!
Then, one day last September, another childhood friend asked me if he could give my phone number to his best friend, who was single and wanting to meet me. I said sure and that's how I met Mike. Even though we all went to the same high school, hung with the same crowd and dated in the same circles, Mike and I had never, ever met until Spetember 26, 2009. We fell in love and I moved back to Houston July of this year.
I did a lot of growing up during the sojourn in New Orleans, I made new friends and reconnected with most of my dear Adams boys.
Now, I am in touch and friends with all of them again, even though we live in different cities.
Jason, is an accomplished guitar player and singer. Certified Star Wars Geek, Rush fanatic and a Detective Lieutenant in Jefferson Parish. Ironically enough, he used to give anti gang lectures at Adams and as a result became friends with the disciplinarian whose guest he was on a number of occasions. He has an awesome wife, whom I like the more and more I get to know.
Tedd is a gobsmackingly awesome illustrator, who teaches at a community college and publishes "Mathilda, The Forces of Evil vs The 3rd Grade". You need to see it for yourself, it's awesome! You must buy these works of art. Tedd is as cool as he always was, right down to the hair, the tattoos and the black cowboy hat. When I saw him again, earlier this year at a reunion, I cried with joy.
Kevin is the editor of an Atlanta paper called The Sunday Paper... His editorials are witty and typical Kevin. He still looks the same way he did all those years ago, just older and less of a baby face. I am happy to know that he has a wonderful wife, whom I hope to meet one day. I really need to visit Atlanta again. Atlanta is a nice city, i'n spite of the fact that it's home to the hated Falcons.
Juan, sadly, passed away during those years I was out of touch. He died of a rare lung disease. I cry when I think of Juan and how missed he is. He was this funny boy, black, but we didn't care. He had this way of licking his lips and then grinning that made me giggle. He always had something witty to say. I miss him.
Mike takes heart stopping photographs, capturing the beauty of New Orleans. Here's the link to his work, I'll let you see for yourself how beautiful and haunting it is.
If I ever get any followers, I urge you to buy his work.
Keith is living in New Mexico, in the city Bugs Bunny always misses that right turn at, and is a black belt. He's a handsome little devil too! His only failing is that he drinks Heinekin, but then again, Jason drinks Bud Light. Ewwww.
Jay is a restaurant manager in Monroe, and he's quiet and laid back, much like he was at Adams. He gives great hugs.
Jennifer, I don't know too much about. I just found her on Facebook and sent her a friend request. I hope she answers it. I want to talk to her again. I know that she lives in the Atlanta area, and is a beautiful as she ever was.
Jason and I, due to us hanging out most of last year, are close. He's one of the things I miss most about living in New Orleans. Sometimes I forget that I'm 6 hours away and have to catch myself when I go to text him to meet me for a cigar at Don Juans. He's my best male friend and he and Mike, I am happy to say, have developed a friendship of sorts. So this past weekend was a chance for them to get to know each other more. I know that Cherie, Jason's wife, likes Mike.
This weekend's trip was fun. I can't believe that I've been away for 3 months already, or how much my life has changed in the course of one year. I was lucky enough to find my friends again, discover that I am an awesome mother, and the Saints won their first Super Bowl the year I lived there.
It was good to go home again. I will do so more often.
As I write this, I am freshly returned from a weekend trip to New Orleans, the town I was born and raised in; the town I recently moved away from to go back to Houston because I was starting a new life. This is a story in and of it self, one of those quirky little tales that leaves the hearer shaking their heads and saying "wow, isn't life funny?".
Here's the story: I grew up in Metairie, a suburb of New Orleans, in an average middle class home. I was blessed enough to have parents who were still married, and happy. I have two younger sisters, one younger by 2 years and one younger by 9, each of whom were total bitches to me as we were growing up, as I was to them. Oh, we loved each other very dearly, we still do and are in that phase of life where we are best friends, but we were total bitches to each other in the manner of sisters.
It was interesting in my house, especially for my daddy, who was the only man in the house. Mom ruled the roost, she still does, and daddy was your typical dad of his generation; he worked a job, loved his girls and took care of the manly things around the house. I am proud to say that I'm still a daddy's girl, just not a spoiled daddy's girl; we were never spoiled. It's not that I don't love my mom, I do very much, but when I need a hug, or some one to bitch at, or practical advice, I go to my daddy.
So, I grew up in a normal house. I wore hand me downs, I had a few friends and I used to ride my bike around the neighborhood from 9am until the streetlights came on.
Then came the year that I started "Middle School". That's where I started growing up, filling out and feeling insecure and awkward. I fucking hated middle school, even though I started off in full confidence. I honestly still remember how I felt, confidence lent to me through the cool new straight leg jeans and platform sandals mom allowed me, the most uncoodinated person on the planet next to Inspector Clouseau, to wear.
Then I walked into the classroom and learned the painful lesson that there are cute blondes, who have better clothes and bigger breasts. Oh, and then there were the cliques, many, many cliques. Those awful cliques, none of which I was good enough for until the day I met this cute boy.
Or did he meet me first? I have no memory of who met whom first, but I think it was in the disciplinarian's office where I was confined because of a broken leg due to unfortunate circumstances that involved me, a pair of Candies shoes and a stairwell. I think he was a "guest" there. I do remember that he was cute. My standard of cute; which means nerdy, intelligent and mischieveious. His name was Jason.
Jason, apparently liked me enough to introduce me to his buddies, and we became friends. I still smile when I think of Jason, Jennifer, Kevin, Keith, Tedd, Jay, Juan and Mike. Not to mention the antics, or my creative writing phase, which Jason still teases me about.
Oh, those years at John Quincy Adams.
The Adams Gang, which is what I call us now, were and still are a creative bunch. The most memorable was the year we decided to make a movie, written by Kevin and called Idiodyssey. We were ambitious, and the script was too; actually it was very good for a bunch of middle schoolers. We had a camera with which to film. Jennifer and I had the shared female leads, which soothed our vanity, and we got to stuff poor little 7th graders into lockers. What more could a band of mischieveious 7th grade nerdy types want?
Permission to film on school property after hours. That's what we wanted, and didn't have. Jennifer, bless her heart, took the rap for all of us. Mother would have killed me if I'd gotten suspended, which is what happened to Jennifer. That was the end of the movie, which may have catapulted us all to Hollywood and riches. Or not.
I will not go into the Cherry Bomb incident, except to say that it wasn't me, I know who it was, I will never tell and it was AWESOME!
It wasn't all fun and games. I grew up with these awesome people. I could flirt with Jason and Kevin, safely, knowing that they would never take advantage of me. Not that they didn't want to, but we were so young and inexperienced, we'd have had no clue what to do once first base was breached.
I had my first date ever with Jason, to the homecoming dance. I still remember how nervous I was, hoping he'd like my dress, praying that I'd be able to dance without falling over or stepping on his toes. Hoping I'd get my first kiss at the end of the evening, and if I did would I be embarrassed because his daddy would be watching from the car.
Well I managed to not step on toes, found out that there is nothing (well at the time there was nothing) that compared to slow dancing with a young man who had your young heart in his pocket, and that one does not think of your date's father watching when one is about to faint from the pleasure of a first kiss.
Jennifer and I were tight, I remember riding my bike to her house and spending days there doing girly things or just hanging out. Jennifer was, and is, so smart it was scary. She helped me with math, thank God, otherwise I'd still be in middle school.
We were so innocent then. I miss that sometimes. That pureness of heart, when you had the whole world before you but didn't realize it. We wanted to grow up so fast.
High school came, and I was the only one of the gang who ended up at Grace King. They went to Bonnabel, and we eventually drifted apart. I ended up alone again, until I made new friends, and I lived my life.
I married, divorced and moved to Houston in 1998. I made a career here, which oddly enough involves a lot of math, and lived my life as a single mother who didn't really date a lot, and had quite settled herself to the fact that she was going to be that "crazy cat lady" who lived up the street.
Then came Facebook. Then one day came Jason to my friends request queue, and the years fell away. It was like we had just seen one another the day before, and the more we talked, the more I realized that I missed New Orleans and wanted to go home again. I had no clue how to do it, what with a job I loved in Houston and two kids, but one day the opportunity presented it self out of the blue. I had a job waiting for me in NOLA, moving expenses and found an apartment. Jason, bless his heart, spent the weekend squireing me about in his GTO so i could get an idea about how much had changed since Katrina. I knew what I was getting myself into, "Cop Mode" Jason made sure of that.
And so I went home. It was hard, leaving my family here in Houston, but I was determined to do it, and I did. I actually drove a 27' Penskie truck with a tow dollie attached to it from Houston to New Orleans. It was me, my eldest daughter and the cat; it was a BLAST!
Then, one day last September, another childhood friend asked me if he could give my phone number to his best friend, who was single and wanting to meet me. I said sure and that's how I met Mike. Even though we all went to the same high school, hung with the same crowd and dated in the same circles, Mike and I had never, ever met until Spetember 26, 2009. We fell in love and I moved back to Houston July of this year.
I did a lot of growing up during the sojourn in New Orleans, I made new friends and reconnected with most of my dear Adams boys.
Now, I am in touch and friends with all of them again, even though we live in different cities.
Jason, is an accomplished guitar player and singer. Certified Star Wars Geek, Rush fanatic and a Detective Lieutenant in Jefferson Parish. Ironically enough, he used to give anti gang lectures at Adams and as a result became friends with the disciplinarian whose guest he was on a number of occasions. He has an awesome wife, whom I like the more and more I get to know.
Tedd is a gobsmackingly awesome illustrator, who teaches at a community college and publishes "Mathilda, The Forces of Evil vs The 3rd Grade". You need to see it for yourself, it's awesome! You must buy these works of art. Tedd is as cool as he always was, right down to the hair, the tattoos and the black cowboy hat. When I saw him again, earlier this year at a reunion, I cried with joy.
Kevin is the editor of an Atlanta paper called The Sunday Paper... His editorials are witty and typical Kevin. He still looks the same way he did all those years ago, just older and less of a baby face. I am happy to know that he has a wonderful wife, whom I hope to meet one day. I really need to visit Atlanta again. Atlanta is a nice city, i'n spite of the fact that it's home to the hated Falcons.
Juan, sadly, passed away during those years I was out of touch. He died of a rare lung disease. I cry when I think of Juan and how missed he is. He was this funny boy, black, but we didn't care. He had this way of licking his lips and then grinning that made me giggle. He always had something witty to say. I miss him.
Mike takes heart stopping photographs, capturing the beauty of New Orleans. Here's the link to his work, I'll let you see for yourself how beautiful and haunting it is.
If I ever get any followers, I urge you to buy his work.
Keith is living in New Mexico, in the city Bugs Bunny always misses that right turn at, and is a black belt. He's a handsome little devil too! His only failing is that he drinks Heinekin, but then again, Jason drinks Bud Light. Ewwww.
Jay is a restaurant manager in Monroe, and he's quiet and laid back, much like he was at Adams. He gives great hugs.
Jennifer, I don't know too much about. I just found her on Facebook and sent her a friend request. I hope she answers it. I want to talk to her again. I know that she lives in the Atlanta area, and is a beautiful as she ever was.
Jason and I, due to us hanging out most of last year, are close. He's one of the things I miss most about living in New Orleans. Sometimes I forget that I'm 6 hours away and have to catch myself when I go to text him to meet me for a cigar at Don Juans. He's my best male friend and he and Mike, I am happy to say, have developed a friendship of sorts. So this past weekend was a chance for them to get to know each other more. I know that Cherie, Jason's wife, likes Mike.
This weekend's trip was fun. I can't believe that I've been away for 3 months already, or how much my life has changed in the course of one year. I was lucky enough to find my friends again, discover that I am an awesome mother, and the Saints won their first Super Bowl the year I lived there.
It was good to go home again. I will do so more often.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
RIP Barbara Billingsley
I wasn't even born when Leave it to Beaver made it's first run, but I did see the re-runs. Loved her in Airplane, and the few interviews I saw her in showed me a classy lady. She lived a good, long life and left us some of her sense of humor.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
These Little Bastards....
will survive a nuclear war, like fucking cock roaches. Started lice treatment at 7am. Now we are taking a break from the nitpicking, and I've found three live lice thus far. That's SINCE the treatment with the chemicals that are supposed to KILL the bastards.I've managed to chase the mothers down and slay them, but I'm wondering if I will need to do a second treatment. Or I may just skip chemicals all together and go straight for the mayo...generic this time, since I love my Blue Plate.
I have to say that, unlike my eldest daughter, my youngest has been most patient. She's a great kid, both of them are, but my eldest isn't known for her patience.
Mike is off to the pet store to get a flea comb, since the one that came in the treatment box isn't fine toothed enough and I don't want to be literally picking the suckers out by hand...that would take forever.
I have to say that, unlike my eldest daughter, my youngest has been most patient. She's a great kid, both of them are, but my eldest isn't known for her patience.
Mike is off to the pet store to get a flea comb, since the one that came in the treatment box isn't fine toothed enough and I don't want to be literally picking the suckers out by hand...that would take forever.
The Rescue of the Miners....
I haven't been this enthralled since 9/11..thankfully this outcome better, so far. I can't imagine what it must have been like for these men, as claustrophobic as I am, I'd have gone barking mad on about day 2. Actually, I wouldn't have gone down there in the first place.
If only the talking heads would shut up and let us just enjoy the whole scene, with minimal talk and minimal trotting out of "experts" telling us the obvious.
What I really think is cool, is the fact that the Chilean President and the First Lady haven't left the rescue since it began. They have been there to greet every single miner rescued thus far, including the lone miner from Bolivia, each man getting a bear hug from not only the President and his lady.
At any rate, I am happy that these men are coming out well before the projected Christmas date. I look at the faces of their wives and see the excitement and a little fear in their eyes. I, as the future wife of a cop, can understand (to a certain extent) their relief that their husbands are back home and safe. I don't obscess over his going to work every day, but I know that it can suddenly go to shit, so it's a new happiness for me every night when he comes through the front door safe and sound. And just because they are out of the mine, doesn't mean that their ordeal is over. I'm sure that there will be long lasting side effects from this; like PTSD and other things, so I will still have these men and their families in my prayers.
But today, as a fellow human being, am a happy, happy gal!
From Yahoo News
Michelle Malkin: Celebrating American Greatness & Pics From Inside
An Estimated 1 BILLION Watching the Rescue
If only the talking heads would shut up and let us just enjoy the whole scene, with minimal talk and minimal trotting out of "experts" telling us the obvious.
What I really think is cool, is the fact that the Chilean President and the First Lady haven't left the rescue since it began. They have been there to greet every single miner rescued thus far, including the lone miner from Bolivia, each man getting a bear hug from not only the President and his lady.
At any rate, I am happy that these men are coming out well before the projected Christmas date. I look at the faces of their wives and see the excitement and a little fear in their eyes. I, as the future wife of a cop, can understand (to a certain extent) their relief that their husbands are back home and safe. I don't obscess over his going to work every day, but I know that it can suddenly go to shit, so it's a new happiness for me every night when he comes through the front door safe and sound. And just because they are out of the mine, doesn't mean that their ordeal is over. I'm sure that there will be long lasting side effects from this; like PTSD and other things, so I will still have these men and their families in my prayers.
But today, as a fellow human being, am a happy, happy gal!
From Yahoo News
Michelle Malkin: Celebrating American Greatness & Pics From Inside
An Estimated 1 BILLION Watching the Rescue
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tuesday Round-up
Took the last few days off,so this is a catch-up. The Saints lost to the Cardinals, I knew that the defending Super Bowl champions would have a target on their backs, and the absence of Reggie Bush and Pierre Thomas shows. Also, Drew Brees totally had an off night, and you can't do that in this game; especially if you want a "TwoDat", and I want one! I'm still ticked off that Hartley missed that field goal, thus assuring us the victory over Atlanta. Maybe my voodoo doll needs bigger pins?
I made the doll, and it's in it's shadow box awaiting the paining of the powder room, where he will reside along with fleur du lis and other Saints booster stuff. I love my boys! Did you know that Spanish Moss is a pain in the ass to work with?
Speaking of houses, we are having the interior repainted, hopefully next week, and I will be posting before and after pics.
Your daily Rush worship pic, courtesy of my best friend:
He's truly the master of the drums.....
This could quite possibly be one of the awesomest political commercials evah! Rush (Limbaugh) talked about it today on his show, so even though it's an internet commercial, it's sure to go viral. Here's my contribution to it's viralness:
I made the doll, and it's in it's shadow box awaiting the paining of the powder room, where he will reside along with fleur du lis and other Saints booster stuff. I love my boys! Did you know that Spanish Moss is a pain in the ass to work with?
Speaking of houses, we are having the interior repainted, hopefully next week, and I will be posting before and after pics.
Your daily Rush worship pic, courtesy of my best friend:
He's truly the master of the drums.....
This could quite possibly be one of the awesomest political commercials evah! Rush (Limbaugh) talked about it today on his show, so even though it's an internet commercial, it's sure to go viral. Here's my contribution to it's viralness:
Fuck, fuck, fucketey fuck....the 11 year old has head lice. Oh joy! I just looooove school days.
The last time I dealt with head lice was when my eldest, who is now 15, was 5 or 6. She got lice from her daycare center. Three days later, after three treatments with Nit, I had to resort to smothering the fuckers with half a jar of Blue Plate Mayonaise.
Her hair stank for days, inspite of numerous shampoo's, and it was a messy job. Not to mention the fact that Blue Plate Mayo, when bought in Texas, is very pricey.
Hopefully I won't have to resort to the Blue Plate treatment with this child; her hair isn't as thick as her sister's. Fingers crossed.
And Fuck ALL, if I'm not suddenly itchy!!!! I know it's psychosomatic, but HELL!
Where's the scotch?
At any rate, there go my plans for tomorrow; I am making my special meatloaf (thanks Rachel Ray) for my friend Claude and his wife. They just had a baby, and I finally get to meet Baby Claude this weekend, when I go to New Orleans. I'm bringing the meatloaf for dinner, since poor Christina and Claude are pretty much sleepless. She breast feeds, which means she's up every TWO BLOODY HOURS! This is why I didn't breast feed, but that's an entry for another day. Maybe.
Claude is the fella who introduced me to my fiance. Claude and I grew up together, practically. He was even a boy friend of sorts for a short time. Anyway, his best friend, and best man at his wedding, Mike (my fiancee), is a cop here in Houston. He, Claude and I went to the same high school together, we hung out with the same crowd, he dated a chick I was on color guard with; we probally passed each other in the halls a zillion times. Yet, we never met until this past September, when Claude gave Mike my number and we talked for hours. The rest is history, and for another blog post.
So, to get back to the point, Claude's lovely bride of 10 years gave birth to the cutest little boy, and Mike and I are going to see them this weekend. I remember how tired I was after giving birth and how thankful I was when friends and family brought home cooked meals. Life savers those were. Hence the meat loaf, and not your average meat loaf either.
Pictures and reciepe will post tomorrow.
I'll just get the daughter up early, knock out the fucking lice, then do the meatloaf...after I sterilize the kitchen, scrub myself down with a loofa in a hot bath, wash ALL of the linens in the house, and knock back some mommy juice to get rid of the psychosomatic lice that are crawling on everything.
The last time I dealt with head lice was when my eldest, who is now 15, was 5 or 6. She got lice from her daycare center. Three days later, after three treatments with Nit, I had to resort to smothering the fuckers with half a jar of Blue Plate Mayonaise.
Her hair stank for days, inspite of numerous shampoo's, and it was a messy job. Not to mention the fact that Blue Plate Mayo, when bought in Texas, is very pricey.
Hopefully I won't have to resort to the Blue Plate treatment with this child; her hair isn't as thick as her sister's. Fingers crossed.
And Fuck ALL, if I'm not suddenly itchy!!!! I know it's psychosomatic, but HELL!
Where's the scotch?
At any rate, there go my plans for tomorrow; I am making my special meatloaf (thanks Rachel Ray) for my friend Claude and his wife. They just had a baby, and I finally get to meet Baby Claude this weekend, when I go to New Orleans. I'm bringing the meatloaf for dinner, since poor Christina and Claude are pretty much sleepless. She breast feeds, which means she's up every TWO BLOODY HOURS! This is why I didn't breast feed, but that's an entry for another day. Maybe.
Claude is the fella who introduced me to my fiance. Claude and I grew up together, practically. He was even a boy friend of sorts for a short time. Anyway, his best friend, and best man at his wedding, Mike (my fiancee), is a cop here in Houston. He, Claude and I went to the same high school together, we hung out with the same crowd, he dated a chick I was on color guard with; we probally passed each other in the halls a zillion times. Yet, we never met until this past September, when Claude gave Mike my number and we talked for hours. The rest is history, and for another blog post.
So, to get back to the point, Claude's lovely bride of 10 years gave birth to the cutest little boy, and Mike and I are going to see them this weekend. I remember how tired I was after giving birth and how thankful I was when friends and family brought home cooked meals. Life savers those were. Hence the meat loaf, and not your average meat loaf either.
Pictures and reciepe will post tomorrow.
I'll just get the daughter up early, knock out the fucking lice, then do the meatloaf...after I sterilize the kitchen, scrub myself down with a loofa in a hot bath, wash ALL of the linens in the house, and knock back some mommy juice to get rid of the psychosomatic lice that are crawling on everything.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Friday Round-Up
Today's round-up starts with Michelle Malkin's piece on The Green War On Children
Zombie, writing for Pajamas Media has This Week In Eugenics a nice round up. I love zombie's work. Check out it's blogs, ( I use the term "it's" because no one knows who zombie is, except for zombie)
Will the Mid-Term elections turn into a redux of the Bush vs. Gore fiasco? Fight for Congress Could Last Past Election Day
Via Breitbart: Easy to say when you aren't the one burning to death in a skyscraper
Like rats from a sinking ship. The question is who will replace him? Looks like it's going to be Tom Donilon, who has ZERO experience.
Remove the speck from your own eye first...
Um, President Calderon, it already has... have you visited Nuevo Laredo recently? Or Falcon Lake?
Unfortunately for America’s children, demographic authoritarianism isn’t relegated to the global green fringes. President Obama’s own science czar, John Holdren, has escaped accountability for his embrace of international eugenics champion and mentor, Harrison Brown. Brown looked at the world’s children in contempt, referring to them as a “pulsating mass of maggots.”Nice folks we have in D.C., eh?
Zombie, writing for Pajamas Media has This Week In Eugenics a nice round up. I love zombie's work. Check out it's blogs, ( I use the term "it's" because no one knows who zombie is, except for zombie)
Will the Mid-Term elections turn into a redux of the Bush vs. Gore fiasco? Fight for Congress Could Last Past Election Day
Recent history and this year's political landscape suggest there could be at least one Senate race left up in the air, and as many as a half-dozen or more House races, according to lawyers who specialize in elections and analysts who study them.
Nobody on either side quite knows what will go wrong - but most are pretty sure something will.
Via Breitbart: Easy to say when you aren't the one burning to death in a skyscraper
Like rats from a sinking ship. The question is who will replace him? Looks like it's going to be Tom Donilon, who has ZERO experience.
Remove the speck from your own eye first...
Calderon said he was certain that legalizing marijuana will lead to an increase in drug consumption."It's very sad to see how drug consumption is, little by little, tearing apart American society and, if we don't watch ourselves, it will tear apart ours," the president said.
Um, President Calderon, it already has... have you visited Nuevo Laredo recently? Or Falcon Lake?
Dems Pick Spoiler Candidate.....
Why am I not surprised?
Dems Picked Spoiler "Tea Party" Candidate
Politicians just don't get it, or they just don't care, but we the people are sick of this crap. This is why the T.E.A. party has resonated with the public.
Dems Picked Spoiler "Tea Party" Candidate
And people think that Louisiana politics is dirty. They are, but New Jersey is up there too.That information might not have been discovered had Spevak and his family, longtime Democratic donors, not signed the petition themselves. Spevak is now a press aide for Delaware Senate candidate Chris Coons, who is running against Republican Christine O'Donnell. Spevak is one of at least three former CCDC members who are working on that campaign.
Politicians just don't get it, or they just don't care, but we the people are sick of this crap. This is why the T.E.A. party has resonated with the public.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Thursday Round Up
This could back fire on the Dems in 2010, as most stoners, as far as I know, are lazy when they're high. Having to go to the polls and vote would "harsh their mellow". On the other hand, it would also keep the stupid people OUT of the voting booth, for the same reason above. So, support or don't support this latest brilliant move from the's a toughie. Decisons, decisions.....
Democrats Look To Cultivate The Ralude Vote in 2012
Michelle Malkin comments, with her usual wit, on the latest from the moocher generation:
Obamacare Idealists; More Nauseating than Evah!
From The Blogmocracy:
2 Million missing
The article linked in the blog post:
Millons of Stimulus Money: Missing
If a republican were in the White House, there would already be an investigatory committee formed and the MSM would be screaming about this. Hopefully, once we regain control over the legislative branch, an investigation will be launched. So much for that "transparency", eh?
Also from The Blogmocracy; a bit of humor. Then again, considering the potty mouth on ol' Rambo; maybe a shade of truth:
Rahm Emanuel̢۪s Exit Interview
I was going to comment on this, but And So It Goes in Shreveport, sums it up quite nicely:
Is A Double-Dip Recession In Our Cards?
And today's post from icanhazcheeseburger?
Have a great day,y'all!
Democrats Look To Cultivate The Ralude Vote in 2012
Obamacare Idealists; More Nauseating than Evah!
From The Blogmocracy:
2 Million missing
The article linked in the blog post:
Millons of Stimulus Money: Missing
In May, then-OMB director Peter Orszag instructed agencies to take action against repeat offenders within 20 days. That action could include investigations for fraud and suspensions from all future federal contracts.It's unclear whether that's happening.Werfel would not release OMB enforcement reports. But a USA TODAY review of debarment actions — companies excluded from receiving federal contracts — found only one non-reporting recipient suspended.
If a republican were in the White House, there would already be an investigatory committee formed and the MSM would be screaming about this. Hopefully, once we regain control over the legislative branch, an investigation will be launched. So much for that "transparency", eh?
Also from The Blogmocracy; a bit of humor. Then again, considering the potty mouth on ol' Rambo; maybe a shade of truth:
Rahm Emanuel̢۪s Exit Interview
I was going to comment on this, but And So It Goes in Shreveport, sums it up quite nicely:
Is A Double-Dip Recession In Our Cards?
And today's post from icanhazcheeseburger?
Have a great day,y'all!
Soooooo Klassy!
I could let the ad speak for it self, and I will.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Family Day Trip
We took the kiddos to Natural Bridge Caverns today, and did some spelunking...hopefully the kids will sleep early tonight what with all of tha walking and clinbing we did today. I will say that the hubby and I will make a trip on the Harley, by ourselves, and hit this again; only this time we are going on the "undeveloped" part of the trip, which includes more climbing and NO lights save those on your helmet. I also want to hit the zip lines, which were closed today.
The caverns were beautiful, it's amazing what nature does with water and dirt....
All in all, this was a great trip! My 15 year old did the typical, arms folded, pouty, omg why are my parents dragging me on this booooring trip, thing; but in the end I think she had fun. Not that she will ever admit it. My 11 year old, got her first taste of "really" exploring and as she wants to be an "explorer" when she grows up I think that today made her realize that one doesn't just wiz into a cave, Indiana Jones style. She wasn't too keen on the darker spaces that make up the daylong undeveloped tour. She did like the idea of rapelling. She was also disappointed that there were no bats. I wasn't.
The caverns were beautiful, it's amazing what nature does with water and dirt....
All in all, this was a great trip! My 15 year old did the typical, arms folded, pouty, omg why are my parents dragging me on this booooring trip, thing; but in the end I think she had fun. Not that she will ever admit it. My 11 year old, got her first taste of "really" exploring and as she wants to be an "explorer" when she grows up I think that today made her realize that one doesn't just wiz into a cave, Indiana Jones style. She wasn't too keen on the darker spaces that make up the daylong undeveloped tour. She did like the idea of rapelling. She was also disappointed that there were no bats. I wasn't.
Friday, October 1, 2010
I remember Homecoming weekend in high school, and this year I have a Freshman. Back in my day (the 80's, YEAH!) we wore school colors and voted for the court. Being from New Orleans, it was a bonus if the weather was "Fall" like, and today in Houston, it is!
Not much has changed, except where the homecoming mums were once reserved for the homecoming court, they are now "the" thing for all of the students. There is a half day of school today and a pep rally (naturally) daughter's first homecoming pep rally.
I still can't believe I have a child old enough to be a Freshman! Or, how expensive those damn mums are!
Not much has changed, except where the homecoming mums were once reserved for the homecoming court, they are now "the" thing for all of the students. There is a half day of school today and a pep rally (naturally) daughter's first homecoming pep rally.
I still can't believe I have a child old enough to be a Freshman! Or, how expensive those damn mums are!
There is no Meg Whitman-housekeeper scandal
By now, you've all heard the story, well what the MSM wants you to hear. Luckily (Thanks to Rush Limbaugh) we now get both sides of the story due to the popularity of talk radio, blogs and those of us who know that there are ALWAYS two sides to a story.
I have ZERO sympathy for this Illegal Alien, Senorita Nicky Diaz...ZIP, ZERO, NADA.
SHE broke the law, several, in fact. First, she broke into our country instead of coming here through the proper legal channels. Second, she used a Social Security number THAT DIDN'T BELONG TO HER, and isn't that a federal offense? Third, she used the aforementioned social security number to obtain a drivers license and gain employment...which she did THROUGH AN AGENCY!!!
If anything, the agency needs to be shut down, Ms. Whitman doesn't need to be hounded...according to the article at SF Gate (linked to below), and immigration lawyers, Ms. Whitman isn't in the wrong.
Stunningly, if Ms. Whitman HAD questioned her housekeeper when that mismatch letter was received, the MS. WHITMAN would have opened herself up to a DISCRIMINATION lawsuit.
If this wern't bad enough, this illegal has the gaul to appear all downtrodden and poor poor pitiful me on TV, next to Gloria Allred and bitch about how ill treated she was! Give me a freaken break! This "poor" thing was paid $23 an hour, for part-time work. Senorita Diaz STOLE a well paying job from an AMERICAN CITIZEN and she has the gaul to whine that she was "thrown away like a piece of garbage" when Ms. Whitman fired her AFTER Senorita Diaz ADMITTED that she was in the country illegally.
Well what did Senorita Diaz expect Ms. Whitman to do? Throw her a fiesta?
There is no Meg Whitman-housekeeper scandal
Would Meg Whitman take a lie-detector test about housekeeper? 'Absolutely.' - » Mark Levin vs. Gloria Allred: It’s Not Even Close
I have ZERO sympathy for this Illegal Alien, Senorita Nicky Diaz...ZIP, ZERO, NADA.
SHE broke the law, several, in fact. First, she broke into our country instead of coming here through the proper legal channels. Second, she used a Social Security number THAT DIDN'T BELONG TO HER, and isn't that a federal offense? Third, she used the aforementioned social security number to obtain a drivers license and gain employment...which she did THROUGH AN AGENCY!!!
If anything, the agency needs to be shut down, Ms. Whitman doesn't need to be hounded...according to the article at SF Gate (linked to below), and immigration lawyers, Ms. Whitman isn't in the wrong.
Stunningly, if Ms. Whitman HAD questioned her housekeeper when that mismatch letter was received, the MS. WHITMAN would have opened herself up to a DISCRIMINATION lawsuit.
If this wern't bad enough, this illegal has the gaul to appear all downtrodden and poor poor pitiful me on TV, next to Gloria Allred and bitch about how ill treated she was! Give me a freaken break! This "poor" thing was paid $23 an hour, for part-time work. Senorita Diaz STOLE a well paying job from an AMERICAN CITIZEN and she has the gaul to whine that she was "thrown away like a piece of garbage" when Ms. Whitman fired her AFTER Senorita Diaz ADMITTED that she was in the country illegally.
Well what did Senorita Diaz expect Ms. Whitman to do? Throw her a fiesta?
There is no Meg Whitman-housekeeper scandal
Would Meg Whitman take a lie-detector test about housekeeper? 'Absolutely.' - » Mark Levin vs. Gloria Allred: It’s Not Even Close
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