Monday, October 18, 2010


IS there NO ORIGINALITY in Hollywood any more? WTF?

As someone who has attended more midnite showings of the original, than I care to count. As someone who has picked rice out of her hair, more times than I dare mention; as someone who once, dressed as Magenta, had her thigh high fishnets burned with a cigarette (back in the day when one could smoke in a theater and no one gave a shit about second hand smoke...and no, you can't see the scar. Modesty prevents.) I can say that NO ONE, NO BLOODY HUMAN on the planet is Frank N.Furter EXCEPT Tim fucking Curry! NO ONE!

Hells bells, it's the only vehicle I can tolerate Susan Sarandon in. And just who, would be able to replace Meat Loaf? Can anyone tell me? Only Barry Bostwick can look that sad in a pair or tidy whities, and don't even get me started on Little Nell. I took tap dancing lessons because of her...sort of. OMG, who the frick will they get to play Rocky? Christ on a pony, what is this world coming to?

This cannot be allowed.

'Glee' Creator Ryan Murphy Eyes Redo Of 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' For Fox 2000

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