Friday, October 1, 2010

There is no Meg Whitman-housekeeper scandal

By now, you've all heard the story, well what the MSM wants you to hear. Luckily (Thanks to Rush Limbaugh) we now get both sides of the story due to the popularity of talk radio, blogs and those of us who know that there are ALWAYS two sides to a story.

I have ZERO sympathy for this Illegal Alien, Senorita Nicky Diaz...ZIP, ZERO, NADA.

SHE broke the law, several, in fact.  First, she broke into our country instead of coming here through the proper legal channels.  Second, she used a Social Security number THAT DIDN'T BELONG TO HER, and isn't that a federal offense? Third, she used the aforementioned social security number to obtain a drivers license and gain employment...which she did THROUGH AN AGENCY!!!

If anything, the agency needs to be shut down, Ms. Whitman doesn't need to be hounded...according to the article at SF Gate (linked to below), and immigration lawyers, Ms. Whitman isn't in the wrong.

Stunningly, if Ms. Whitman HAD questioned her housekeeper when that mismatch letter was received, the MS. WHITMAN would have opened herself up to a DISCRIMINATION lawsuit.

If this wern't bad enough, this illegal has the gaul to appear all downtrodden and poor poor pitiful me on TV, next to Gloria Allred and bitch about how ill treated she was! Give me a freaken break!  This "poor" thing was paid $23 an hour, for part-time work. Senorita Diaz STOLE a well paying job from an AMERICAN CITIZEN and she has the gaul to whine that she was "thrown away like a piece of garbage" when Ms. Whitman fired her AFTER Senorita Diaz ADMITTED that she was in the country illegally.

Well what did Senorita Diaz expect Ms. Whitman to do? Throw her a fiesta?

There is no Meg Whitman-housekeeper scandal

Would Meg Whitman take a lie-detector test about housekeeper? 'Absolutely.' - » Mark Levin vs. Gloria Allred: It’s Not Even Close

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