Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday Round-Up

Mark Twain once said: " Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." Palin haters, so caught up in the meme that she is a blithering idiot, once more show their total ignorance. The link below is from Perfunction.

Perfunction: History Illiteracy
While we are on the topic of ignorance; it's bandied about that Christine O'Donnell is an ignoramus as well. Meanwhile her opponent seems deficient in a few areas concerning the Constitution. Is it just me, or shouldn't those who want to be a United States Senator at least be familiar with the first five freedoms guaranteed us in the First Amendment?
Chris Coons Can't Name the First Five Freedoms

I'm not a huge baseball fan, but I'm also pleased that the Yankees may not win the Series. I'm really sick of the Yankees, and as a Southerner and a Texan, well I consider it my patriotic duty to root for the Rangers. So It Goes In Shreveport has a nice post about the series: So It Goes In Shreveport

I don't condone shouting matches at debates, after all, debates are supposed to be forums in which one learns the points and counter points of the candidates. However, I'm linking this because this is a prime example of just how heated things are in this country. President Obama may well mock the voters, but our fears are genuine, the future of this Representative Republic is in danger with the Alinsky crowd in charge.
Minnesota: Crowd Gets Raucous

I talked about this on my Facebook page, but MikeAT over at A Cops Watch discusses this as well. I will only add, what the hell is up with humans these days? If one can call these people "human", that is:
Cyberbully a Dying 7 Year Old Girl

I love IowaHawk. This one's a bit long, but it's funny as hell (irony often is) and worth the time:
Beltway Adventures

First we lost Mrs. Cleaver, now we lose Mr. C.  Tom Bosley Dead at 83

That's it for the round-up. At least for now. Who knows what this day will bring?

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