Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday Round-Up

Oddly enough, Mike and I were discussing this topic last night as we lounged around outside, enjoying the weather here in Houston. We both grew up in New Orleans, and seen the results of the welfare system. It's created a Welfare Class. I believe that this was done on purpose, this enslaving of humans, and apparently this new "study" is perpetuating the untruth that poverty begets poverty. It's the generational teaching, begun with the Great Society, that has led to what I see every time I pass a housing project in New Orleans.

In a small way, I felt pity for the poor fools that didn't leave New Orleans in the days leading up to Katrina. On one hand, these people have been raised and reared to depend on the government for nearly EVERYTHING. They are essentially slaves of the politicians, and thanks to their way of thinking (which is the only way they know to think)the government was supposed to take care of them. The government failed them, Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco failed them. Then again, these people are nothing more than votes to the politicians.

But pity is an interesting thing, and my anger towards the welfare class is grounded in the knowledge that even the most unfortunate, illeducated person, knows that there is a better life to be had. Sadly, our I Want It All and I Want It Now, culture breeds impatience. This is seen even in college grads, this entitlement mentality.

My point is this, most of my generation was brought up to work hard to achieve our goals, even if we were raised at the beginning of the "Me" generation that the Yuppies brought to the fore; and the lessons we learned from our grandparents, hard work, education, perserverance; all need to be taught again. The only way to break the cycle that has created the Welfare Class, is tough love.
Liberals Reexamining the Culture of Poverty? Guess Again - By Robert Rector - The Corner - National Review Online

Yes, Mr. President, we are scared. Scared of your marxist policies, scared that the Constitution is being averted, but this is why we ARE thinking clearly, and why we are going to turn out in record numbers to vote you into Lame Duck status.....Obama: Voters Not Thinking Clearly

We should look to Socialist Europe as an example of why Socialism does not, and never will, work.  These people are protesting the raising of the retirement age to PAST 60!!!!! I know that this is old news, but I offer it as another example of what the "entitlement" mentallity does to humans...French Strike over Pensions, Sarkozy Vows Fuel Action

The Green Room, over at Hot Air, has an interesting piece...the comments are funny too. What do you think the Wag the Dog scenario will be?  The Green Room

More later, perhaps, but now I have to get the youngest to the bus stop.

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