Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday Round-up

Took the last few days off,so this is a catch-up. The Saints lost to the Cardinals, I knew that the defending Super Bowl champions would have a target on their backs, and the absence of Reggie Bush and Pierre Thomas shows. Also, Drew Brees totally had an off night, and you can't do that in this game; especially if you want a "TwoDat", and I want one!  I'm still ticked off that Hartley missed that field goal, thus assuring us the victory over Atlanta.  Maybe my voodoo doll needs bigger pins?

I made the doll, and it's in it's shadow box awaiting the paining of the powder room, where he will reside along with fleur du lis and other Saints booster stuff. I love my boys! Did you know that Spanish Moss is a pain in the ass to work with?
Speaking of houses, we are having the interior repainted, hopefully next week, and I will be posting before and after pics.

Your daily Rush worship pic, courtesy of my best friend:
He's truly the master of the drums.....

This could quite possibly be one of the awesomest political commercials evah! Rush (Limbaugh) talked about it today on his show, so even though it's an internet commercial, it's sure to go viral.  Here's my contribution to it's viralness:

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