Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday Round-Up, Illinois Soldiers Wait for Ballots. Prisoners Get Hand Delivery.

And people think that Louisiana politics is crooked...well it is, but Illinois is right up there.

Illinois Soldiers Wait for Ballots. Prisoners Get Hand Delivery.

To add salt to the wound, Illinois has said that they will "allow" the men and women who fight for this nation 1 DAY extra to get their votes in.

That's mighty white of them.

I wouldn't hold my breath for the DOJ to investigate this, given their record under Holder, regarding voter rights.  A Cop's Watch gives an update on the New Black Panther's case.

Speaking of Louisiana politics...I still follow events in my birth state, and as So It Goes in Shreveport tells us, November 2 is also local.

Some people shouldn't be parents. Especially if they behave like kindergardeners, like This Bitch. Happily, there is Justice in the world. I hope that she is also prosecuted for the harrassment of a terminally ill 7 year-old. Apparently, this woman is unstable and hasn't confined herself to harrassment. She's also been charged with Assault on another neighbor. To think that all of this started over a birthday party, although I have a feeling that she wasn't the best of neighbors before the party.

As much as I'm sure NPR would like the controversy to die down, the story has legs and is running fast and furious. As seen over at, Charles Krauthammer takes Nina Totenberg to task for the obvious double standard that exists at NPR.

Personally, I want to see NPR and even PBS defunded. They served a purpose back in the day when there was no cable news or talk radio, but there are so many choices now and so many places to go for a view on all sides, that there is no need for public financing. Everyone with a brain knows these stations are nothing but propaganda tools anyway.

And here is today's Rush selection. It's on the Ipod in my "treadmill workout" list: Rush Live in Rio; YYZ

That's it for this morning; I have to get ready to watch the Saints trounce the Browns.  GEAUX SAINTS!!

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